Kill the next crisis before it kills you

Gut instinct isn’t much good at predicting fires, let alone fighting them. Clear, actionable stakeholder intelligence gives you a better picture of what’s coming and how to stop some of the biggest issues happening at all. Whatever your market or audience, Outcider helps you spend less time worrying about what stakeholders think and more time shaping the conversation.

A powerful business tool:

  • Ideal for large corporations, medium-sized businesses and trade associations
  • Gives decision-makers the big picture – and a more detailed one
  • Automate manual data processes, saving huge amount of time and cost
  • Easy distribution of insight across your team or company – on any device

What's keeping you up at night?

Product demand? Stakeholder perception? Market trends? Outcider gives you solid insight on it all – letting you drill down into the details of the issues that matter to you. You might even discover a few issues that you didn’t know about. It’s incredibly powerful. It might even help you get a good night’s sleep.

“I love the reports. They help me understand the big picture globally and also see where I might focus more effort. I think the format is easily understood and to the point. Lots of information shared quickly and concisely.”

Who’s got time to read 2.5 million sources?

You will, because Outcider distils a vast sea of data – social media, journals, blogs and news – into something that fits on the device in your pocket. This is so much more than a few pretty graphs. And it’s so much more accessible than one of those inch-thick intelligence reports. This is insight you can look up, refine and understand on the way to the meeting. Difficult decisions just got easier.

“Your daily media summaries on sustainability issues are great. I try to read them all on my mobile and I have to say I benefit a lot”

Everyone has opinions. You’ve got facts.

If media analysis and stakeholder monitoring was easy, it wouldn’t be so subjective. Most analyses offer a well-picked snapshot, with misleading sentiment measures and retrospective conclusions.

Outcider offers more depth and less opinion, with the intelligence to see the difference between a few headlines and the whole picture. And, with a better understanding of sentiment, it offers the foresight to match the insight – strategy shaping, decision-making power.

“The weekly newsletter is very well received by the team. It’s a great summary of the top stories and trends that could impact on our business and a valuable discussion document for our weekly meeting”

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